This Website, DanielJPapajohn.com
This website isn't what we'd call 'good' a decade or two
into the 21st century. It's extremely dated, looks that
way, and has minimal functionality.
Hard to believe it was built by a professional web
developer, isn't it?
I could make a fancier website, using modern best
practices. I could write something in React, give it a
slick backend, maybe use AWS Lambda functions, use
something like Twitter Bootstrap for a fancy UI with
responsive design, and on, and on, and on.
I make modern, professional web sites at work, and at
the moment, I'm not particularly inclinded to do the
same on my personal website when I get home. I do think
it can be fun, and I might do more of that later, but
for now, this is the kind of website I'm making.
Figure 1
Figure 1 above shows an early version of my website
running on a Sega Dreamcast game console. Click to
The inspiration for this bare-bones website was hooking
my Sega Dreamcast up to the internet over a fake dial-up
connection, and browsing with the browser for Dreamcast,
Planetweb 2.0. Try it yourself, and you'll see that
nearly no modern websites work. This is fine, because
nobody actually needs to use something like an old
Dreamcast browser. However, I thought it would be fun to
make a website that functions well on a Dreamcast, and
for the moment not worry about fancy, beautiful, feature
rich modern websites.
You'll see some terrible, TERRIBLE things on this
website if you open up the source. Things like using
HTML tables for spacing of page elements. Things like
the HTML 'center' tag. Some things like the HTML 'blink'
tag just for fun. There are two reasons I'm doing this;
This kind of gross website is fairly period
appropriate for the Sega Dreamcast.
The Sega Dreamcast browser doesn't support any
modern web stuff.
I'm not exhaggerating on point two here, I assure you.
All we have to work with is HTML 3.0, Javascript 1.1,
and absolutely no CSS, whatsoever. These are dramatic
limitations, which are quite a shock to a modern web
developer, but it can also be fun to work within
constraints. Some of the site still uses modern web
features like CSS, but the intent is to make sure it
looks fine on ancient browsers, especially the
Dreamcast's, and not get bogged down with frameworks.
Philosophy of the Site
There are other reasons I like keeping this site
extremely simple, to the point of ridiculousness; what Introduction
care about for this site is content. I made this site as
a way to document the projects I'm working on. I want to
document them for myself, because documentation can save
future me time not struggling to reproduce something
I've made before. I also want to document my projects
for you, so that if you like them, and want to make them
yourself, make something inspired by these projects, or
improve on these projects, you can.
I could do all of this on any number of other locations,
like pre-built customizable websites, project sites like
Instructables.com, social media, etc, but I'm doing it
here. An important philosophy underpinning this is my
belief in "content before chrome". This is taken from
the Windows App design guidelines (Windows 8, Windows
Phone, Zune, etc), and I think it's applicable to
websites, physical projects, and even people.
I never expect this site to be quite beautiful, but I
aim to make it clear, and usable.
Thank You
Thank you also for not telling me that I'm not using
modern best practices. I know I'm not, I promise. Thanks
also for your interest in the site, I hope you've found
something of interest, and are enjoying it, primative as
it is.