Daniel J. Papajohn

If you're interested in seeing more pictures, and what I'm up to, you can check out my Instagram. This website has more detailed documentation (and is a work in progress, constantly improving), but Instagram is more real-time, and has more pictures.

Visit my Instagram


This is a selection of some of the projects I've undertaken for myself. Their subject vary from woodworking, to programming, to electronics, to sewing, and more. I enjoy making things, although it can be sometimes frustrating. When a project really comes together, it's incredibly satisfying, and when a project falls apart, you've almsot always learned something along the way.

The level of dicumentation may vary from project to project, but the idea is to document it for myself, for future reference, as well as for you, as I hope you find it intersting. In some cases, I hope to provide enough detail that you could reproduce the project yourself. With all my projects, please do feel free to try it yourself, make something inspired by it, or improve it. Some projects may have non-commercial open source licences because, while I want people to do there own thing with my work, I don't want people commercializing my work for their own monetary gain.


Why would I publish my tax documents? I make no promises about the tax documents I release. I may release all, part, or none, but the reason I release anything is because of my belief in the benefits of transparency in society. This kind of transparency might help your co-workers realize they are being underpaid by your boss for doing the same work. This is particularly relevent for groups that are frequently underpaid for doing the same work, like women, and racial minorities. I also want to dprovide a real life example of what effective tax rate I pay.